Introducing the Xcede Group
Today, we are excited to launch the Xcede Group, and unveil our reorganisation and rebrand to our clients, candidates and colleagues.
In January 2020, Xcede, TechStream and Etonwood merged to form the TechStream Group, functioning with six brands: AutoStream, CloudStream, EarthStream, CyberStream, Xcede and Etonwood.
Since then, we have been working towards a group structure and brand identity which better mirrors the nature of each brand within the group, and the work across our specialist sectors. The Xcede Group now comprises of Xcede and EarthStream, to support our mission to deliver technology and energy talent which enable companies to innovate and grow.
As part of the reorganisation, the AutoStream, CloudStream, and CyberStream brands have moved to operate as part of Xcede, under the Embedded, Technology and Cyber specialisms respectively.
We have also launched our visual rebrand with three new websites, refreshed logos, sales propositions, and visual communications to support our growth. Each of our logos has been refreshed to reflect the unified nature of the group’s brands, our messaging is streamlined, UX is improved, and functionality is enhanced to better reflect the needs of users on our site.
Culminating in the reorganisation, 2021 was a successful year for the group. We celebrated a number of notable achievements, including our highest ever trading month in November 2021, our expansion to 8 offices in 6 countries (London, Bromley, Hamburg, New York, Dallas, Cape Town, Cadiz, Taiwan, Singapore), and a net gain of over 25% headcount in 2021 to over 250 employees.
Throughout the reorganisation and rebrand, we have also been working to streamline and improve operations across the group; we have undergone an overhaul of our systems and processes, including the introduction of new CRM and back office technologies. Our headcount growth involved making a number of key, significant hires across finance and HR, and we have also partnered with VERCIDA Consulting to launch our Diversity & Inclusion board, to support the current and future workforce of the group.
In enabling future talent, 2021 also saw us launch a Graduate Academy and comprehensive Leadership Development Program.
We are excited to further our vision in delivering excellence and expertise for our clients, candidates and our internal teams, and we are looking forward to a new era of a more harmonised, unified Xcede Group.
Be sure to check out our new sites below. If you would like any further information on the Xcede Group, our reorganisation or rebrand, please contact us.